Started in 1997 by James Bruce, Jamesnet has grown to offer services to Fortune 500 companies, all the way down to small offices. Specializing in developing custom secure solutions for any size project, we can scale to accommodate you.
Startup bets everything on New Years Eve
Jamesnet provides Audio/Video control room for New Years Nation 2007, 2008, 2009, and 2010 connecting over 500,000 internet viewers to the largest simultaneous party connecting 10 party cities to the world.
Jamesnet provides 60TB disaster recovery backups for prominent Dallas business offering brick level access to data in case of emergency.
Jamesnet provides VOIP solutions saving several businesses over $900 a month on local phone bills.
Jamesnet provides non stop hosting for Society Stylist’s LBD experiment.
Jamesnet provides video streaming for all entries to local film festival.
Jamesnet provides live broadcasting service to a Fortune 100 company connecting all stores together for quarterly meetings, fashion shows, and awards ceremonies.